Episode 1 - Victor Montgomery

EPISODE SUMMARY Episode 1 - Victor Montgomery Victor’s brother David was shot dead by members of the Provisional IRA on February 10th 1981. Victor speaks of how David’s death affected him and his family.

Episode 1 - Victor Montgomery

Victor’s brother David was shot dead by members of the Provisional IRA on February 10th 1981. Victor speaks of how David’s death affected him and his family.

For more information on the Towards Understanding & Healing Project visit https://thejunction-ni.org/towards-understanding-healing/

Valued Voices is a Towards Understanding and Healing(TUH) initiative funded by the European Union’s Peace IV programme managed by SEUPB, under Derry City and Strabane District Council’s PEACE IV Programme. TUH wishes to express its gratitude for the kind and flexible support we have received from our local council staff over the past two and half years during the delivery of the Valued Voices project. Towards Understanding & Healing